Every day, we see advertisements claiming shortcuts to get all right from physical complaints like back pain.
Important Question – Why one has to advertise?
Reader, please think.
Bad news is, one day you may get back pain…
And good news is…. you have 95% chances that you will be completely all right in few days.
After common cold, this is the next human complaint, which makes you lose maximum working time. Back pain is a curse for human race.

In evolution, from four legged, we have become two legged. We have become straight at low back and we are paying price of becoming straight by having back pain.
The cause for getting back pain is most of the time a very minor reason and with simple treatment one will get completely all right. There is not one but many reasons for getting backpain:
- Poor Physical Fitness
- Lack of Flexibility
(Tightness of hamstrings is one of the common reasons to get backpain) - Poor Postures
(Poor posture allows the muscles to get tired early and allows the stresses to injure ligaments and disc.) - Poor Body Reflexes
(Leads to poor response to stress and strains and can lead to injury) - Stress and Tensions in life
(In our country, the females face many odd social situations and inter person conflicts. The competition in the jobs and challenges, particularly in the executives, lead to what is called ‘Executive Syndrome’.) - Inappropriate Work Habits
Back pain is because of accumulation of side effects of months or years of inappropriate life style. Farmers work in stooping position or squat and go forward doing farm work in sitting position. This leads to wear and tear changes in the low back and cause back pain. Back pain may be because of issues in back but can be because of issues elsewhere in the body too.
Occasionally one may get back pain because of injury like a fall from a height or because of a vehicular accident. Spine under goes changes with age and gets change in the spinal curves and that can cause the pain. Young children, young man and women, pregnant women, women with menopause and people with arthritis and osteoporosis and cancer can get back pain.
Our daily activities of Living
- Sit
- Get up
- Stand
- Walk
- Sit cross legged
- Squat
- Lift
- Throw
- Run
- Climb up
- Climb down
- Jump
- Lie down
- Lie on side
- Lie on tummy
- Turn on side
- Sex
Furthermore, continuous and frequently, repeatedly done these activities (Overuse) can lead to damage to back and lead to backache.
Other causes
- Over and Inappropriate use of Computer
- Sedentary Life
- Irregular life
- Insufficient sleep
- Insufficient rest
- Over work
- Sudden stress to back
- Obesity
- Tobacco
What care, one can take?
- Day today simple care
- Balanced diet
- Optimum Rest
- Correctly done work
- Correctly done exercises
Special Care during
- Work
- Travel
- Pregnancy
- Old age
- Injury
- Diseases of Back
- Negligence leads to back pain
(Writer- Prof. Dr. Pravin Kanabar is a practising consultant Orthopedic Surgeon in Ahmedabad. He is Arthroscopy Surgeon, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Trauma Surgeon and a specialist, Spine Surgeon)