Free vaccination to all above 45 years from 21st June

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National Desk/theombudsmanews

The prime minister Narendra Modi in his address to the nation on Monday evening declared that from 21st June, the responsibility of administering vaccine to the people of India will be taken back from the state governments and it shall solely be done by the central government and all citizen above 18 years will be given the vaccine without any cost.

Prime minister said, those who want to take the dose from private hospital can do so and hospitals can take only Rs 150 as their service charge. However, whether the money of the vaccine shall be taken from the person or not is not clear yet.

Modi in his speech said, “Following demands from some state governments we had given work of the same. However, after the states did those work themselves, they found it was not easy and hence all of them have agreed to be at the disposal of the state government.

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