Nikhil Shah
Natural disasters come and go, what they leave behind is the devastation and destroyed souls of the humans, their assets and their belongings. However, certain times those things are restored in no time. Still, what we see is the damage and the compensation not given but we don’t see the efforts.

The cyclonic event that occurred last month devastated, wrecked many things and among them was the electricity supply in rural Gujarat. Nonetheless, there was a video in the social media groups which not only drew everyone’s attention but applaud as well.
The said video is from the Bhavnagar district where as many as 4 engineers and 19 other employees from PGVCL (Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.) worked in the water to reestablish the poles of electricity so as the reconnect the villages which have lost the electricity supply due to TAUTE cyclone.
In those bad situation Line Inspector of Sihor Rural Subdivision Mr. Nimavat, 58 Years old, who is retiring this year, has given proof of commitment, dedication and sincerity by amazing way.. He went into the in water clogged area, walked in mud for more then 100 meters, climbed electric pole of 50 feets and restored Dhrupata JGY feeder of TANA Village. He didn’t bother for his life, family, vultures in water or his own health and exhibited his sincerity in work. This video will definitely change your mindset towards government employees. When our government is trying to privatize government departments and institutions, such work commitment surely give us feel that in such bad times only government staff and department can support common man.
This work commitment was so strong that, Energy Minister also had to exhibit in his twitter and Energy Secretary and an IAS officer, Sunayana Tomar congratulated him and the team by appreciation letter..
Further to state is, in last 15 months of Corona Pandemic time, we have applauded Corona warriors in all media but no one bothered to talk about people who power our Hospitals, Homes, Shops, Industries or any place.
We are so dependent on Electrical Energy or Equivalent kind of energy that, cannot survive in absence of Electricity for 5 mins even. At a same time, with massive reduction of green cover, heat also increased at such a level that, cannot have comfort. Our communication to kitchen, all has need of electricity for 24 x 7.
In recent TAUTE Cyclone, districts like Bhavnagar, Amreli, JunagadhandVeravalwere worst affected. GoG also had sleeved up to minimize effect of same. Cyclone was so terrific and horrible that, business domains like Agriculture, Fishing, Electric Supply network and few more, had huge loss of money.
After unbundling of GEB in 4 Discoms,Saurashtraand Kutch are managed by PGVCL.. For common man, to switch on light is game of finger but for PGVCL it is big challenge.
PGVCL is activities in 109463 Sq.Kms and illuminating houses of 5900961.. PGVCL is having 11 Circle offices, 45 Division Offices, 236 Sub Divisions, 4642907 Connections, 4779 HT feeders and 115630 Kms of HT Lines.. It is massive network and mammoth task to manage.
In this TAUTE Cyclones, from PGVCL office, we have been informed that, 64 Sub stations were damaged or demolished. 74821 Poles were felt down. From these figures, you can surely imagined, how badly electrical system were damaged and several villages, towns and homes were in dark for 1 day to 7 days.
To restore this network more than 700 teams were working for day and night. Their concern was, how fast they can illuminate your house. In 1 day, 3441 villages were illuminated. More than 400 DGVCL employees moved from Surat to Bhavnagar and helped PGVCL in restoration work.
(The writer is an entrepreneur, industrialist, expert lecturer in Electronics besides being a social activist and mentor for students.)
True, in the era, where privatisation is in vogue, work of government employees is not appreciated fully. I agree with your views. Especially the work force of earstwhile GEB, is doing commendable job for last many years.
Mahan kam
Very True and we should forget the efforts of ground level workmanship.
We should never forget the efforts of the ground level workmanship.
It is amazing work done by the electricity distribution agency engineers with there team.
It is eye opener moment for those who don’t know about the real situation about the supply of electricity.
Actually I have to congratulate the team to restore electricity in such a difficult situation.
Yes. We all should never.