Expeditious and unimpeded drivers cause Hit and Run

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We humans have tendencies of forgetting things; then they may be accident, election, murder or homicides. And that is the reason we decided to write this piece little later. Whenever an accident occurs we all talk about it and we try to research the causes. But we never go to the bottom of the occurrences. Today, we have tried to give a comprehensive view of the incidents that have shaken the life of people.

In last two years, ending December 2020, in Ahmedabad municipal limits as well as its peripheral area in the district together, registered a total 373 Hit-and-run cases. In these accidents 217 people lost their lives. In none of these incidents, have the police been able to make any arrest. This was revealed in Gujarat Assembly by Government. Now let us have an insight of these incidents.

There is no doubt that we have highly trained police force and 24×7 surveillance by CCTV cameras. But still, unsafe a road user is in Ahmedabad. Unsafe due to the people who consider the road as their property and behave irresponsibly.

What is the cause?
We have a seen and have read a lot about famous ‘Vismay Shah’ case of Ahmedabad and ‘Salman Khan’ Case of Mumbai. A very weak defence in ‘Hit-and-Run case is because of fear of crowd, the driver runs away. This may be a partial truth, but reality is, we road users are irresponsible. Speeding is considered as one of the most common causes for accidents. Every driver is likely to meet with four accidents in his life time, an American Study states. Every young person almost always wishes to have a very powerful vehicle, a zoom bike, if possible. A study also suggests that 56% car accidents happen from Aggressive driving. Testosterone and DNA of a person may make an aggressive Driver. This is the driver who may cut you off in traffic and speed through in Red Light.

Uncontrolled Drivers
When you drive, you will come across such drivers. They probably do not have control on themselves. You are able to see the next signal as it turns red, but these drivers just speed and stop at the stop line. The speeding has not made any difference, but they speed. Some drivers over take you with high speed and with next lane, they just take a turn. This shows that the driver probably is not well under his own control. An addict is also not 100% under his own control. Many people, as soon as take up to drive, behave like addicts and want to drive the vehicle at the higher speed. Break rule and they are in denial mode and hence ‘Hit and Run Away.

(Writer- Prof. Dr. Pravin Kanabar is a practising consultant Orthopedic Surgeon in Ahmedabad. He is Arthroscopy Surgeon, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Trauma Surgeon and a specialist, Spine Surgeon)

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