Anjan Parekh
Along with the design of the structure the fundamental understanding of the soil is as much important is to make the transfer its load and make it withstand all forces , Students at CEPT showed a remarkable work representing the understanding of the soil and explored different problem that occurs in the soil with the unique solutions that are applied or can be applicable in the field with understanding the relation with the soil and structure.

Many natural sinkholes can’t be prevented.
However, the ones resulting from human interest can be avoided, mainly resulting from over-pumping groundwater.
There are 2 ways, one can prevent and detect formation of sinkholes:
Detection of water in the soil using water detection sensors.
Prevention using ground treatment measures.
How does it work?

Sensors are attached at different layers along the underground pipelines , keeping sensors at different depth as well along the joints to detect any leak in the near future.
Once if the leak is detected sensors detect and respective authorities are notified. Magnitude of the damage is responded by
The increase of water leak this is achieved by placing sensors at different depth showing indications once the water spreads into a larger zone.
This project was guided by Pro. Pavni Pandya under the Teaching Assistant Anjan Parekh.