I want to go through the content of the book – Pranab Mukherjee’s son on ‘The Presidential Years’

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Since my father is no more, I being his son want to go through the contents of the final copy of the book before its publication as I believe, had my father been alive today, he too would have done the same,” said former president of India Pranab Mukherjee’s son Abhijit Mukherjee on twitter.

It seems the book written by the former president of India Pranab Mukherjee, The Presidential Years has brought splits in the family. After the news of the book striking the attitude of the congress party, son Abhijit and his sister Sharmishta has reportedly told his brother not create unnecessary ruckus over the book. It should be noted that Sharmishta is associated with Congress party.

She too took it to the twitter and replied that, I daughter of the author of the memoir ‘The Presidential Years’, request my brother not to create any unnecessary hurdles in publication of the last book written by our father, He completed the manuscript before he fell sick. The final draft contains my dad’s hand written notes and comments that have been strictly adhered to. The views expressed by him are his own and no one should try to stop it from being published for any cheap publicity. That would be the greatest disservice to our departed father.  

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