“I can help”

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Vijay Mallya had been offered legal help from an Ahmedabad based advocate

Hemington James

“I don’t think that banks have filed any suit against you and if not, then it can be easily presumed that banks have sanctioned loans to you and your companies without verifying security documents and have not observed regular norms and that is why, they are not unable to recover the money in a legal way and established legal proceedings that is the only reason that they want to recover the money through Government sources by using pressure tactics like defaming you in public, which is not moral, correct or legal.”

These are some of the excerpts of a letter written and sent to the fugitive Indian businessman Vijay Mallya who owes millions to Indian banks by none other than Ahmedabad based lawyer Harish B Rajput. However, the letter which he sent in June 2019 is yet to see the revert.

Advocate Harish Rajput

“Before I state why I wrote letter to Vijay Mallya, I must clear that I don’t have any soft corner of him. But I certainly feel that he has been victim of poor governance of the banks. There are loopholes that need to be focused and therefore, I offered my services to the businessman,” Rajput told theombudsmanews.

The first page of the mail sent to Vijay Mallya by Rajput.

“I have been dealing with financial cases since long. Hence, after careful scrutiny of these cases against him, I can say that there are chances yet for him to represent his side in the court. I sent the currier to Ladywalk, Tewin Village, Heart fordshire, U.K and expected his reply. But haven’t got yet. I think he might have been told about it,” he said.

“Another point of concern was, there are proper ways of dealing with such financial cases or financial fraud cases, banks can and should go to the courts and bring the person in. But forcing government to get their money back is not proper way. Then what is the meaning of having such powerful institutions as banks?” Rajput told theombudsmanews.

It should be noted that the Apex court on November 30th decided to deal with fugitive businessman Vijay Malya’s contempt case on January 18th, next year and that the court can not wait for him to return. Mallya owes over ₹9,000 crore in form of unpaid loans towards consortium of banks led by State Bank of India (SBI)

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