Covid – 19 : New Year celebration to be another challenge for state machineries

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Covid cases on decreasing trend in Gujarat
Ahmedanad, Ombudsman

Though it seems the night curfew is bringing positive effects as the number of covid-19 positive cases are deceasing as per the records of the state government, the coming new year celebration to be a big challenge for the cops and the state government. Till Wednesday evening state recorded 1318 cases 1325 on Tuesday and 1380 on Monday.

According to the data provided by the government of Gujarat, state is the place where lowest cases of Corona are being registered compared to other states. Though Ahmedabad remains consistently on the top of the list of the positive cases, here too, the cases are declining. Till Wednesday evening the number of cases registered in Ahmedabad for a day were 269 which were 278 and 289 on Tuesday and Monday respectively.

A senior police officer on anonymity said, “The curfew which is only for the night hours and till morning may certainly work but restricted to night periods. As the year end falls on weekends it would be difficult to control people especially the youth. It is completely on self responsibility to ensure that we don’t spread the virus and even don’t get infected. It would be a mass infection hence.”

It should be noted that on the even of the new year, Sarkhej – Gandhinagar highway and C G Road becomes hot spots for people to come and celebrate. Not just youth but families flock at these places to welcome and celebrate the new year.

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