Bottleneck Traffic – with expert Amit

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With the dawn of human civilization, efforts are made by human beings to expedite the travel of individuals as well as goods. Initially mankind started with horse riding, camel etc and with the further development, cart driven by animals started operating in the emerging civilization. None the less, this was observed to be too slow and with the advent of 19th century, the community started looking for faster & safer travel methods.

With the findings of petroleum products, the development of automobiles started. Motor transport initially for passengers started developing in western countries and India also followed suit. With the passage of time, we have today air transportation so advance that mankind has reached the moon

Notwithstanding, the above development the mankind is still searching for faster, better and economical transportation system and to stay in line with other advance countries Ahmedabad has initiated the BRTS. With all these developments, the human instincts & desires are operating in the same wave length as it was centuries before i.e. how to overtake and surpass others in performance particularly more so in the area of automobiles.

India’s growth rate in the last few years has been of more than 9% resulting into extensive purchasing of vehicles. It is reported about 12 lac people die in road accidents in the world every year and India account for about 10% of the same i.e. 1,20,000 persons where as India has about 1% of the total vehicles of the world. Many are seriously injured resulting into permanent disability causing loss of manpower for productive purposes. About 3% of the G.D.P. is wasted in Road Accidents.
Isn’t this a Dangerous situation?


Sample studies on these burning issues in India have concluded the following reasons for accidents…

  • Lack of Knowledge & Awareness about Rules & Regulations among people,
  • Lack of systematic Road Safety Education in the system.
  • Improper Attitude, Behavior & lack of Responsibility by Road Users on the road.
    (Amit is a road safety expert twice awarded nationally. He is a corporate trainer and has also trained drivers of government vehicles.)
    (Thoughts expressed and suggestions given in this article are solely the writer’s and the website does not take any responsibility for the same.)


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