As you read this article you may get hurt, emotionally as you and I are part of that huge group which does not believe in giving space to others for parking, rather we try to find place first as if it was the last one for our vehicle and that too would be close to someone’s parked car, a double park!? Parking in such a position that the other person would find it very difficult to get into his own vehicle.

Our traffic expert Amit Khatri writes how we behave in such situation and how we can overcome this trouble.
PARKING is such a word that cannot be deleted from our life. We need it, we respect it, we spoil it, we get annoy for that, many times we fight for it and recently heard that few were murdered too. It has become our culture and habit rather than a discipline.
Most important element of PARKING is a legal and genuine space to park. We always look for it and many times we have to hunt for the same.
People with such mindset are major reasons of ‘non-sense’ parking on road. People have become so arrogant and intolerant that they park their vehicle in such a way that it occupies two slots for one. What will you think of such people?
We observe that most people shall somehow try to park their vehicle just in front of the shop they wish to visit despite of parking decently at a safe place just few meters ahead. Few among such shall be going for a long morning walk for sure but do not like to walk here.
We actually need to learn how make parallel parking on major roads and small streets to maintain proper road width for others….but do we care for others???
If you have parked your vehicle properly at proper place while going for shopping, believe me you feel relaxed and your buying results into a perfection because you do not have any tension of vehicle being towed or damaged. Just imagine your mindset while shopping if you have parked your vehicle at an illegal place?
Incorrect parking is just like blockages in the arteries of our city which could cause Heart Attacks.
Lets Park Proper and save time of all road users. Let’s contribute to the decent personality of our city by parking proper.
Where the problem lies?
Saturated Parking space
Irregular traffic
Parking: On stree Vs Off Street
Lining Up on road
Irregular Parking in Residential areas
Chaotic parking on occasions
Remedies to overcome
Increase on-street parking
Maximize frequency of public transport
Introduction of remote parking
Redesigning of present parking designs
Increase Parking tariffs
Teach students about the parking problem
Awards for ‘0’- Zero Parking ticket
(The writer is a professional coach and expert in Road Traffic affairs. He has been awarded several times by governments.)
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