Alligators in the sewer myth is true!

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New York might not have those infamous “alligators in the sewer” — but Florida has the real thing.

A work crew in Oviedo, Florida proved the NYC urban legend was a Sunshine State reality after discovering an 5-foot gator residing in a sludge-filled pipe.

Footage of the scaly subterranean terror is currently stirring up a crapstorm on the City of Oviedo City Administration Facebook page.

“Just another reason not to go wandering down into the stormwater pipes!” a spokesperson said of the new underground sensation, which was spotted Friday during a routine pothole inspection.

New York might not have those infamous “alligators in the sewer” — but Florida has the real thing.

A work crew in Oviedo, Florida proved the NYC urban legend was a Sunshine State reality after discovering an 5-foot gator residing in a sludge-filled pipe.

Footage of the scaly subterranean terror is currently stirring up a crapstorm on the City of Oviedo City Administration Facebook page.

“Just another reason not to go wandering down into the stormwater pipes!” a spokesperson said of the new underground sensation, which was spotted Friday during a routine pothole inspection.

They said they initially mistook the cold-blooded underdweller for a toad, until they saw “two little glowing eyes.”

At first, it feels like the Sunshine State is poaching a longstanding Big Apple hoax — perhaps some of the 10,000 exiles took their myths with them — until one sees the spine-tingling video and realizes the story’s not a “croc.”

In the freaky POV footage, the camera can be seen approaching a pair of what appear to be shining lights at the end of the tunnel, in a scene straight out of a found footage horror flick.

When the droid gets within snapping distance, the beast rears up with its mouth open, revealing itself to be an American alligator.

The perturbed predator continues to back away with its maw agape, before turning tail and ambling down the tunnel with the droid in hot pursuit.

The underground gator golf session ends with the robot getting stuck in an indentation as Al disappears back into its subterranean lair.

(Story Courtesy:

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